About Me

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Clayton here. Here is a little about me. My favorite color is orange. I wish everything in my life was orange. Including my car and phone. (R.I.P.) I love text messaging and don't really like talking on the phone. My favorite drink in the entire world is Dr. Pepper. I'm pretty sure God gave it to the world because he loves us. (Add a little coconut rum, it makes it even better. If that's even possible.) I work in Human Resources at a hotel in downtown SLC. I'm addicted to reality TV. Especially Survivor, American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance. I love Mr. Potato Head, as you can probably tell. What else... Oh yeah I'm gay and have an AMAZING husband, Paul. ILY!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Salt Lake Chalk Art Festival


Meagen Ridley said...

These are the bomb.com!

Pamela, Shaun, Jaidaella, ZoaJaynna, MykaElyja said...

oh my clay it's been a very long time! if your wondering how I found your page I found it from Shanda(Barton)Elmer she had your brother ryan and he had yours I know you wanted to know the whole prosses :) how are things with you I haven't seen you since graduation I don't know if you remember me or not but that's ok I'm still going to say hi I was the cute little one Pamela (Hills) Rich. Are you going to go to the high school reunion? well My girls are going wild so I'll talk to you later

Michelle... said...

Those are amazing. I can't believe someone would seriously be rude enough to drive over the art.

Kylie Jo said...

That is so cool! I didn't know that was going on in Salt Lake. Thanks for sharing your pictures with us.