About Me

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Clayton here. Here is a little about me. My favorite color is orange. I wish everything in my life was orange. Including my car and phone. (R.I.P.) I love text messaging and don't really like talking on the phone. My favorite drink in the entire world is Dr. Pepper. I'm pretty sure God gave it to the world because he loves us. (Add a little coconut rum, it makes it even better. If that's even possible.) I work in Human Resources at a hotel in downtown SLC. I'm addicted to reality TV. Especially Survivor, American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance. I love Mr. Potato Head, as you can probably tell. What else... Oh yeah I'm gay and have an AMAZING husband, Paul. ILY!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Does this make me a nerd?

So over the weekend Paul and I didn't really have much to do. So we busted out the GameCube and thought we'd try out a game we had purchased about a month ago (Tak, The Great JuJu Challenge). Yes it is more designed for smaller children than 2 adult men but it is a simultaneous 2 player game that we thought we could enjoy together. (awe cute) Well we finally beat the game late Sunday night. We had to replay a few levels to try and get a better time, but we finally did it. We decided to resell the game to FYE, where we bought it used originally, and buy a new game we could play together. We found Tak 2, apparently we had purchased Tak 3 and weren't aware that others existed, and we found Teen Titans. We decided to purchase Teen Titans and experience a different character for a while. Yes both games are designed for children but we don't care. We aren't real serious gamers or anything. After all we only own a GameCube and aren't too concerned about upgrading anytime soon. So we started playing Teen Titans a little after 6 last night. And by 12:oo we had beaten the game. Yeah that's right. It only took us 6 hours to beat a game designed for children. Does that make us nerds?


Michelle... said...

Well, at least you beat it!

Kylie Jo said...

Yes it does!! But it all sounds so fun! I love playing game cube, and any game system lets be honest.

Meagen Ridley said...

HA! Clayton you rock my world. It sounds like you and Paul had a good weekend. I will miss seeing you when I stop by the hotel with Cafe Rio :(

Anonymous said...

ha ha still makes me laugh that you beat that one in a day!