About Me

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Clayton here. Here is a little about me. My favorite color is orange. I wish everything in my life was orange. Including my car and phone. (R.I.P.) I love text messaging and don't really like talking on the phone. My favorite drink in the entire world is Dr. Pepper. I'm pretty sure God gave it to the world because he loves us. (Add a little coconut rum, it makes it even better. If that's even possible.) I work in Human Resources at a hotel in downtown SLC. I'm addicted to reality TV. Especially Survivor, American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance. I love Mr. Potato Head, as you can probably tell. What else... Oh yeah I'm gay and have an AMAZING husband, Paul. ILY!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


So as many people know my parents aren't entirely ok with me being gay. With that being said they have had very limited interaction with Paul since we stared dating over a year ago. They kind of met when we moved in together. And they did attend his birthday dinner, which we were both thrilled about. And then there has been a couple of other casual encounters but he has never been invited to participate in a family activity. Well thinking that my dad would have a doctors appointment on Thursday Kylie asked if Paul and I would go to the parade with her. We agreed and the plan was set. Then it turned out that my dad finished all his appointments for the week on Wednesday and he and my mom decided to go to the parade. I told them that we had already made plans and that I couldn't just cancel my plans with Paul and go with them. So Paul, Kylie and I were still planning on going. Then on Wednesday night my dad calls and asks if it would ok if he and my mom and grandma joined us for the parade. I almost hung up the phone because I thought it was a prank. But I explained that I was never the one that had a problem with everyone hanging out together. He assured me his only concern was my somewhat "racist" grandma. I told them we would risk it and we set up the time to meet.

Thursday morning came and my parents came over and Kylie jumped in our car. We caravanned down to the parade area and all sat and played cards together until the parade started. (Paul said later that he was only uncomfortable during the card game because he was sitting next to my dad and felt bad about making him draw cards. Even though we told him that there are no friends when you play cards. He just wanted my dad to like him. He's so cute!!) After the parade my parents were debating whether to go to Park City to go shopping or just go home and bbq. Paul wanted to go back to the tattoo shop that did his tattoo and ask some questions so we told my parents they could follow us over. Their eyes just about exploded out of their heads. But it was fine. They waited in the car while we ran in, then we all went to Park City. Paul and I spent time hanging out with my grandma while my parents and Kylie shopped. My grandma is so funny and we were all just talking and joking the whole time. (She even touched his brown skin so we figured she liked him.)

After Park City I opted to go home and take a nap since we had been up since 5:30 and I didn't get to sleep on the way to or from Park City. We met back up later for the fireworks. We sat a little too close and we were treated with some fall-out. It was still fun. Nothing like the threat of having burning ash land on your head.

Then on Sunday while I was driving my grandma over to my parents house my grandma said, "I really liked Paul."

"He's nice, right?" I reply.

"Yeah. I hope he liked me too. I hope I behaved ok."

"He did like you. You were fine."

"He has a really nice smile."

I love my grandma so much. She is very observant. Paul said its because she plays cards. No one has told her about me but I know that she knows. One day she even said to my uncle, "You know I think Clayton might be gay." She based her hunch on the fact that I like to help my mom in the kitchen. She's hilarious!! With all of that being said, I had a great holiday. I was so great to spend the day with both Paul and my family.


Kylie Jo said...

The 24th really was so much fun! I hope that really was the first step. I think mom and dad are both starting to deal with it more. Maybe he can even come to my "farewell"

luvmymunchkins said...

Happy happy birthday Clayton! I'm glad you are happy, healthy, and loving life!
Jenny McCarty