About Me

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Clayton here. Here is a little about me. My favorite color is orange. I wish everything in my life was orange. Including my car and phone. (R.I.P.) I love text messaging and don't really like talking on the phone. My favorite drink in the entire world is Dr. Pepper. I'm pretty sure God gave it to the world because he loves us. (Add a little coconut rum, it makes it even better. If that's even possible.) I work in Human Resources at a hotel in downtown SLC. I'm addicted to reality TV. Especially Survivor, American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance. I love Mr. Potato Head, as you can probably tell. What else... Oh yeah I'm gay and have an AMAZING husband, Paul. ILY!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I've had a hard day.

I do realize that its only noon but I've already had a hard day. I started feeling not so great last night and decided it was the start of a cold so I took some NyQuil and called it a day. Then this morning I wake up totally congested and feeling crap-tastic. I'm not sure I slept quite long enough for the full affect of the NyQuil to wear off... So my drive this morning was a little rough. Praise Allah for the Hairspray soundtrack. I stuck that sucker in and sang along as much as my extra manly, extra deep voice could. The world should feel lucky that I was confined to a small space and no one could hear me. It wasn't pretty, but I managed to stay awake. (Just barely) So now here I am at work, with so much to do. (from now on italics indicate sarcasm). And I really don't want to be here. I really just want to be curled up in a ball in my bed with no one bugging me. And whats up with people clocking in right next to my desk and not even acknowledging that fact that I'm here until you need me to do some of your work. I'm sure the person I am talking about doesn't read this but I still have to say it, "What is your problem, Bitch?!?" And to top it all of none of our housekeepers have room keys due to some lack of communication so I was enlisted to help run around opening doors for the girls to go in and clean. I'm tired and cranky and just want to go home. I hate not having sick days and working hourly.

1 comment:

Karri said...

sorry that you have joined the sicko club, hey but now all our voices are the same. :)